Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Blog Sabbatical

Sorry I took such a long time off of writing and updating this thing: I was too busy worrying about losing my job, defrauding retired people, plotting a coup of Canada, watching unbiased news, injecting steroids, watching the worst Super Bowl ever, losing thousands of my net worth, riding my bike, sending money to thirsty kids in Africa, getting arrested, being born again, dying, being born yet again, getting married, going sailing, soaking up the sun, thinking about how dumb Iran is, wondering how in the world 'change' was elected, going to Bainbridge Island, dreaming about Texas, writing a ballad, wishing baseball season would start, buying plane tickets, wondering what is so stimulating about Obama's package, getting divorced, realizing that we are in worse shape than we first thought, reading theonion.com, and playing tennis.

I realize none of these are reasonable excuses or even reasons for such a long hiatus, but I apologize nonetheless. There have been a number of excellent subjects to write about the last few weeks and I hope that y'all have been keeping up with the news and current events, because I know I have!

G's up, Hoes down

Monday, February 16, 2009

Who Took the Funny Out?

At what point did we as a society make a collective decision to start taking ourselves so damn seriously? When did rights of funny people become the toilet paper that wipes the ass of people without a sense of humor?

Bottom line, we live in a fucked up world.

Take a look around, we live in a place where deadbeats, addicts, religious extremists, political extremists, racists, sexists, bigots, unlicensed taxi drivers, homophobic evangelicals, douchebags, hypocrites, and assholes are the majority ruling class.

Ignorance has become our greatest commodity.

Over-inflated self worth is now a major personality trait.

CNN shows 15 minutes about Britney Spears and what President Obama is wearing before it reports on the carnage in the Middle East.

More people still tune in for American Idol than show up on the 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in November. (If you don't know what that date is, you are part of the proplem)

Everyone needs to relax and tell a joke or a funny story. Laughter is still the best medicine for curing people with a chronic stick up their ass.